In India the first night after the nuptial knot is tied is celebrated as Honeymoon. This is a private affair in which the husband and wife become intimate. This is the day in which they show each other their nude bodies and private parts. The first ever penis she sees and touches and the first certified for fuck pussy he sees. The first ever blow job she does and the first freed fuck he does.
That’s the case of old time families. Now a day this is not the case. Newlyweds know way too much, thanks to the digital media, there are foreplay tutorials out. Though a bit timid she gives you a heavenly night.
Busty Indian newlywed wife gets a blow job lesson
Watch this honeymoon tape in which busty Swapna learns how to give a blow job. She truly is a dream girl with a beautiful face and a natural bust body with the right curves. It is their first night and this experienced husband is surprised to find out that his high society wife doesn't know a thing about sex. He decides to tape it as he knows this is going to be a one of a kind night.
He has shaven her clean and they are nude on the bed. Swapna is beautiful and fucking hot. She is so cay and asks the most intimate questions about sex. The audio is clear and if you understand Malayalam, the questions enough can make you reach out for your cock. She is asked to pose for the camera and she agrees after some hesitation. She is a good wife and wants her husband to be happy.
She flashes her sexy boobs and bubble but and her pussy lips for the cam. She even flashes her pre cum but stays back from licking it. She tries to give a blow job but is surprised that the penis is salty. Her first ever penis! He instructs her how to give a blow job and she complies.
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